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Updated 2/6/25
Virtual Solo Competition


Finally, a music solo competition that focuses on the student as a whole, in addition to their musical ability!
Junior High Division
Grades 7 and 8
Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion Only

High School Division
Grades 9 - 12
Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, String, Piano

Are you a music student in the US or international student looking for an opportunity to earn up to $250? Do you want to get noticed by colleges and drum corps with the least amount of effort, with as little stress as possible?  

If so, then the 2nd Annual bNoteable Virtual Solo Competition is for you! 

Simply sign up, record and upload a solo of your choice, then edit & maintain your profile to showcase any other achievements you've earned Keep reading to learn more. 
Trumpet Soloist.png
Snare Soloist.png
Piano Student.png
Violin Student.png
Flute Soloist.png
Cost to Enter: Free with a student account.
Coupon Codes will be accepted.
Registration is currently OPEN.
*Sign Up Deadline: April 1st*
*Video Upload Deadline: April 18th*

*Judging: April 18th - 27th*
Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Strings, Piano
Junior High Division* & High School Division
For each division....
1st Place - $250
2nd Place - $150
3rd Place - $100
* Junior High Division only open to WWs, Brass, Perc.
Read the following competition details carefully, then click Sign Up below.

1. Competition Rules ​ • The Virtual Solo Competition is open to the following students: - Junior High: Grades 7 and 8, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion only. Participants must be age 13 or older when signing up. The signup deadline is April 1st. - High School: Grades 9 - 12, Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, String, and Piano students. Participants must be age 13 or older when signing up. The signup deadline is April 1st. • The competition is FREE to enter with a bNoteable student account. It will help you gain exposure to colleges and drum corps as you work towards the prize. It will also encourage students to 'put their best foot forward' to showcase their academic and non-academic achievements, in addition to their musical abilities. • Past bNoteable competition winners ARE eligible to sign up and compete. • The competition starts on the launch date and ends on May 7th. TO BE CONSIDERED FOR A CASH PRIZE, PARTICIPANTS MUST HAVE A PROFILE PHOTO. IN ADDITION.... GRADE 7 AND 8: STUDENTS MUST EARN AN "EXPERT," “ALL STAR,” OR “LEGEND” BADGE, GRADES 9 - 12: STUDENTS MUST EARN AN "ALL STAR" OR "LEGEND" BADGE. ALL STUDENTS MUST UPLOAD THEIR SOLO PERFORMANCE VIDEO(S) BY APRIL 18TH, NO LATER THAN 11:59pm. Students can track their badge progress on the "Profile Strength Indicator" page. • Participants must maintain their profile and upload a performance video (or videos) of a solo performed for this competition. STUDENTS CANNOT RE-USE OR RE-PURPOSE ANOTHER VIDEO RECORDING FOR THIS COMPETITION. • If there are multiple movements, students may upload each movement separately (up to three video files). If there are 4 or more movements to your solo, participants may group the movements together in any way desired in chronological order. For example, if your solo has 5 movements: - Video Upload 1: Mvt 1, Mvt. 2 - Video Upload 2: Mvt. 3 - Video Upload 3: Mvt. 4, Mvt. 5 Again, you may arrange your uploads in any way you wish as long as they are in numerical order. • The CASH prize will be in the form of an Amazon Gift Card or a general Visa / Mastercard. Students agree they are able to receive these types of payments via email. Participants must select either option when signing up. • Winners will be selected based on the accurate completion of their profiles, and the technical and lyrical ability of their uploaded solo. It is advised to perform at a tempo that maintains and adheres to the original intent and integrity of the music. • Winners will be notified via email no later than May 7th. Prizes will be sent no later than May 14th. • For winners to receive their prize, bNoteable MUST receive an email from their music director verifying that their profile is accurate (to the best of their knowledge). The email must come from a legitimate school email address (not gmail, yahoo, etc), and the teacher must be currently employed. Emails should be sent to: • bNoteable will publicly announce verified winners no later than May 14th via social media. Winners agree to provide bNoteable with a promotional photo prior to May 14th. • At the discretion of the judges, bNoteable reserves the right to not pick a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place winner in any division, for any reason. • While all students are worthy of a prize, participants agree that the decision of the judges are final.

2. Video Recording Rules​​ • All recordings must be made for this 2025 competition, and not taken from another competition or performance. • You may use any device of your choice such as your laptop or mobile phone. However, do not add any reverb or other sound effects. • TO BE CONSIDERED FOR A PRIZE, THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: At the beginning of each video, you must say "This is First/Last Name, performing ‘Solo Name’ for the 2025 bNoteable VSC." Then, no editing, cutting, splicing, and you must complete your recording in one take.  **Side Note: Last year, MANY students were disqualified from being considered for a prize because they skipped this step! Our advice is to have the script on your music stand to read if it helps! :) If you have different movements for your uploads, you must state them in the following example format: “This is First/Last Name, performing ‘Solo Name,’ Mvts 1 and 2 for the 2025 bNoteable VSC.” Then, no editing, cutting, splicing, and you must complete your recording in one take. In between movements, you are free to empty your instrument, turn the pages, or simply take a few seconds to gather yourself WITHOUT STOPPING THE RECORDING before you perform the next movement. • Your face and hand position should be clearly visible in each video, the entire time. • The person performing in the video must be the same person who owns the bNoteable account. • Dress appropriately since it will make a good impression. As long as you meet all requirements, colleges and drum corps staff will view your videos. • Each video file cannot exceed 2GB in file size. If using a mobile device be sure to record in 720p or 1080p. 4k or 8k is not necessary. If there are any issues when uploading, simply upload to YouTube instead and share the link in your profile. • RENAME EACH VIDEO FILE to something that makes sense. Example: Use "" as it looks nice and helps the judge compared to "" • To be considered for a prize, participants must perform their solo and any movements to the best of their ability without alterations.

3. Video Recording Tips​​ • Find a quiet location for your recording. There should be no other sounds or audible distractions in your recording.  • Avoid visual distractions and clutter in the background. • Dress appropriately. No, you don't have to wear a suit or fancy dress like you're going to prom but put a little bit of effort into how you look. Avoid busy patterns and bright colors. • Remember to show your face and hand position in each video, the entire time. • Be sure to watch and listen to your video before uploading it to your profile. Keep in mind that you can always delete it and upload another as many times as you would like.

4. How to Enter ​ ​ • To participate, all students must click on the "Sign Up" button below.  • Fill out the information then click submit.  • ONCE YOU CLICK SUBMIT, PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR A CONFIRMATION AND FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS TO GET STARTED! Good luck to all!

• Videos cannot be re-used from other recordings or competitions.

• Introduce the piece and add that it is "...for the 2025 bNoteable VSC."
Uploaded video files cannot exceed 2GB each. 
• Record in 720p or 1080p only.
• If you have issues uploading, simply upload to YouTube and include the link on your profile page.
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